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Mary Hagopian

"Your loving ways we won't forget"

Date passed: 31st of October 2017

Funeral date: 10th of November 2017

“Your loving ways we won’t forget”


On the 31st October in the care of the nursing staff at Leighton hospital, Mary passed away peacefully aged 96 years.

Mary was born in Alexandria, the second largest city in Egypt on the 28th October 1921 in the middle of the revolution which started in 1919 and finished with independence in 1922.

They say “home is where the heart is” and home for Mary in her early years was a convent education with the nuns of St. Vincent de Paul.

During her long life Mary has lived in Cairo, York and London.

Her life was varied. She was born into an Armenian family and was the eldest daughter of a department store owner in Alexandria.

At the age of 17 she was married to her husband Sarkis, a jeweller from Cairo but after only four years  he sadly passed away leaving her with two young children, Levon and Mayda. If widowhood was not hard enough, then her father lost his sight and was unable to keep the store open. Whenever she recounted these events she never complained, she had great faith and always believed that God would help her and he did. She sold off her jewellery to make ends meet and when the children started working their situation improved. When her cherished granddaughter Christine and dearest grandson Oliver were born her children and family became the centre of her life and when not with family she liked to socialise with friends.

In later life she enjoyed listening to the radio but if Christine and Oliver had Top of the Pops on the television she would tell them what she thought of the music on it!

Mary had a fantastic memory, being able to recall not only what she had wore on a particular occasion but what everyone else had been wearing too! She could show you a black and white photo and bring it to life in both colour and texture.

She kept her humour and wit until the last, described by her family as a caring, easy going and kind lady who appreciated everything her family and friends did for her.

Mary’s funeral will take place at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception RC Church, Crewe on Friday the 10th November at 9.30am followed by burial at St. Mary’s churchyard, Wistaston.

For any further information please contact our funeral home.

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